The leading service rating app allowing your guests to appraise each employee individually

How GuestFlip S-Rate Works

What makes
GuestFlip S-Rate different

In Service Industry, we recognize the importance of personalisation in customer service offering. Why not consider it in employee service rating?

When it comes to customer’s service ratings and reviews, ‘personalisation’ is so far missing; at the same time when employee engagement requires you as a manager to get action-oriented insights at an individual level; there’s no excuse not to be taking a more focused approach to individual employee’s feedback.

With GuestFlip S-Rate you monitor how well your business is meeting your customers’ expectations in relation to service standards, for the first time ever separately for each employee.

135 Evaluations 85%
157 Evaluations 70%
186 Evaluations 90%

GuestFlip S-Rate is for everyone

For Customers

For Employees

For Managers

Focused on the guest service experience

To empower the employee advancement & retention and improve overall operational efficiency

Help build relationships with guests

Utilize your hotel’s reputation and your team members’ profiles to assure your guests that your property is offering:

  • Top Quality Service
  • Memorable Experiences 

Τurn customer feedback into useful information and respond to any negative comments in real time.

Highly satisfied customers lead directly to growth in sales and profits.


Increase engagement with your team members

The days of simply relying on mid-year reviews for providing feedback to your team are long gone.

Today’s workforce craves regular feedback — which of course leads to faster course correction.

With GuestFlip S-Rate as a partner on performance review, you use both rewarding and corrective check-in strategies — having them directly available from the source, every single minute of the day.


Increase Operations' efficiency

One of the key areas to improve the capacity of your hotel is without a doubt, direct communication – including instant feedback on how guests value your service and how your team receives flawless feedback.

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GuestFlip S-Rate wins
Semi-Finalist Award at E20X Competition at HITEC Dubai 2022